Jan 4, 2013


First off I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I spent New Years in Chicago again. Had an awesome time and shot a video for artist Mick Jenkins entitled "Chicago" (what a coincidence. lol) Expect to see post from my new years in a couple days and also photos from my "Rebirth Of The Cool" photography event. 
Since it's the first week of the New Years I decided to start a 52 week photo project. I always wanted to do this so now I have the opportunity. I will post a photo on this blog and on my instagram (@jmillz77) every week of this year, so follow me on this journey and be on the look out for the first photo being posted on Saturday.
Fifty Two Weeks. Fifty Two Photos.

p.s. I have much respect to those who participate in 365 project. They either make a blog post or  post a photo everyday. That takes a lot of work and determination. I think the 52 photos a week is good enough for me right now lol, but salute to them!
- JMillz

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