Jan 5, 2013


Better late than never right? December 22, 2012 was an epic night for me. My first solo photography exhibition "Rebirth Of The Cool" was a success. I appreciate each and every 200 plus people for showing up. I saw people I haven't seen since middle school. It was great to have them show up and support. Thank you to my family who have always supported me. Also thanks to artists and other photographers who came to show support and even people who came just because they saw a lot of people in the gallery ha! The only complaint I have is that it all happened too fast lol, but believe me this is just the beginning. You all help me make my dreams come true, and I am humbled. I will be sending out thank you cards to all those who signed the guest book. 
Below are some photos from the event. Since I wasn't able to take photos myself, Eric, Desiree Cooper, and Juels took photos for me. Really appreciate them for that.

- JMillz

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